Father and daughter laughing happily at each other in a vehicle

Stay protected with Generali car insurance

Get an instant quote for free today. Customize your policy and enjoy peace of mind knowing you are fully protected on the road.


How can I renew my car insurance online?

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Why choose Generali car insurance?

Free Towing

Enjoy complimentary towing for vehicle accidents and breakdown up to 30km.

Fast Claims Approval

3 working days for claims below RM10,000* with Generali's preferred workshops (terms apply).

24/7 Roadside Assistance

Call our 24-hour hotline at 1800-22-2262 and +603 7628 3979 to get immediate assistance for accidents and breakdown.

Repair Warranty

Enjoy 12-month warranty for repairs by our Preferred Workshops and 6-month warranty at our other Panel Repairers.

How can I increase protection for my vehicle?

Windscreen Protection

Covers windscreen replacement in the event of cracks, chips, and break-ins, without affecting your NCD.

Special Perils

Covers the cost of repair caused by natural disasters like floods, storms, landslides, and more.

Driver & Passenger Protection

Protects the driver, passengers, and authorized drivers after a road accident, including medical reimbursement benefits.

Add on coverage for greater protection

Boost protection for your vehicle with add-on benefits such as windscreen coverage, flood protection, NCD relief and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a discount if I purchase a  car insurance policy directly with Generali?
Can a family member or a friend purchase a car insurance online on my behalf?
How is the premium amount determined?
Can I buy a third-party car insurance  cover for my car on this website?
How is the sum insured of my vehicle determined?
How soon can I renew my insurance policy and enjoy the next No Claim Discount (NCD) level?
What is the procedure to transfer my NCD from my motor insurance with another insurer to my current insurance with Generali ?
Can I transfer my NCD to a new policy mid-term?
What is the minimum age to purchase a car insurance policy?

Important Documents

We want to make finding a specific document regarding your insurance policy quick and easy. View or download car insurance information from your mobile phone, tablet, or PC.

All the documents are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open them. Click to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.

Red toy car on a calendar

Get Generali Car Insurance Now

Renew with Generali car insurance online today to enjoy instant premium rebate and peace of mind on the road.

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