
13 Benefits of Solo Travel and Why You’ll Love It!

Solo travel is not as easy as some make it sound but those who have would agree that it is one of the best experiences they have ever had. Read more!

Being able to travel solo around the world is truly incredible! Although it is not as easy as some make it sound, those who have traveled on their own would agree that it is one of the best experiences they have ever had. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but hear us out and hopefully by the end of this article, you may be inspired to plan your own solo travel soon!

How solo travel can change our world view?

1.      New World View/Point of View

Travel broadens your perspective and traveling solo encourages you to be more attentive to your surrounding especially the cultural aspect of the place you are visiting. First-hand experiences allow you to challenge your own preconceptions on different customs and beliefs, letting you embrace the new world view and attract meaningful life experiences.

2.      Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

What traveling solo will provide you is a nudge out of your comfort zone, which can be disorienting in the beginning. But when you start to relax and learn how to feel safe in an unfamiliar environment or situation when you travel, that is when you know you’re out of your comfort zone.

3.      Experience Humanity Firsthand

There is no better way to experience the existence of humanity than when you travel solo because you are not bogged down by your travel companion. Visit a developing country and you will experience the generosity of its people. It is best to reciprocate the kindness by paying it forward when an opportunity arises.

4.      Gain Amazing Self-Confidence

a male solo traveler wearing a hat looking at Buddhist temples in Cambodia

Traveling solo can be the scariest, yet also the most life-changing experience of your life. You have no choice but to handle all the difficult challenges on your own. But “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” as Kelly Clarkson sings and that holds a lot of truth! You will increase your confidence when you can manage to overcome your fear.

5.      Increase Creative Problem Solving

Trust the phrase “two heads are better than one” when it comes to solving problems. But this does not mean you are rendered hopeless when facing a problem while traveling solo. Maybe you need to figure out how to get to a museum that you do not know how to pronounce, or order that pink drink you see someone ordered at a restaurant. The more problems you solve on your own, the more creative you will be at solving them!

6.      Celebrate Freedom

Being able to decide everything on your own can somehow be liberating. As a solo traveler, you can literally do what you want, go where you want to go and not get dragged by other people to places you have no interest in going.

7.      Self-Discovery

What better way to experience self-discovery while you discover the world? The absence of expectations from family and friends will let you face adventures and making decisions alone will show you how capable you are on your own. Self-discovery also means unveiling the real you – what you like or dislike or who you like to be when you are not being restricted by others. It is an exciting world out there!

8.      Learn New Valuable Skills

If you can have at least one takeaway from a solo trip, let that be to learn new skills even if it is picking up non-verbal communication skills with the locals, especially if you do not speak their language and you do not have a translator at your disposal.

9.      Immerse Yourself in the Local People and Culture

street food vendor wearing black grilling burgers and sausages

This should require a bit of effort from you. Since you are on your own, you are more likely to talk with the locals as you have no travel companions to talk with. Take this opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life and perhaps take the positives and adapt to your daily life.

10.  Feed Your Curiosity

Traveling solo, especially to a place you have never been before raising curiosity, interest, and concerns from the locals. Grab this chance to enhance your experience so your trip will be more meaningful to you.

11.  More “Me” Time!

When you go on solo travel, nobody can stop you when you want to have your “me” time reading books, watching local dramas on television or swimming in the pool. This is part of self-care practice that you can do when you travel. If you do not want to go on a city tour, then explore others. If you feel like sipping coffee by the roadside and engaging in people-watching, go ahead and do it. Time to listen to your inner voice and make your “me” time count.

12.  Appreciate Slow Travel is Solo Travel

One of the most unappreciated benefits of traveling solo is the ability to travel slowly. Most solo travelers tend to focus on one or two countries when they travel, allowing them to be connected deeply into the culture. Gone are the need to boast on how many stamps you have on your passport, especially during this pandemic-stricken era.

13. Come Home with An Incredible Story to Tell

Imagine coming back home to a group of eager friends who are desperate to hear about your solo self-discovery trip. Keep them in awe of your experiences, good or bad, until they want to go through the same discovery journey of their own.

We know solo travel means so much more than just these 13 reasons. Some may agree that solo travel is good for the soul, and one should at least try it once.

Whatever your reason to solo travel is, make sure that you never leave home without buying your overseas travel insurance. Get your travel insurance online for an instant coverage. Travel smart, travel safe!

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